So far I have noticed two trends in the intention of bringing Joy
Trend 1 : An universal perfume of Joy.
First name to come is Joy of Patou, the "most expensive perfume in the world".
Then we have a few other perfumes with name Joy in it. Not too many as once a name is registered for property, nobody can call a perfume "Joy" anymore... So it is difficult to find out which perfumes have been created in the intention of Joy. So far I have listed a few and tried to find a pattern trough their descriptions :
Joy by Patou, Coeur Joie by Nina Ricci, Joy comes from Within by Creative Scentualization, Joy of Pink by Lacoste, Ode a la joie by Yves Rocher,
Les nuages de joie
jaune by Ayala Moriel, Joie de vivre by
Jacob, Joyful by Cindy Crawford, Pure Joy by The
Healing Garden
Flowers and especially, Rose and jasmine are the number one in the "Joyful" composition, then the hesperidean : bergamot, mandarine, orange.In natural perfumery this trend is directly linked to aromatherapy or aromachology : Using the essential oils that through their chemistry have an impact on psychology.
Trend 2 : The smell of Joy is very personal and is linked to our happy memories. This is the "madeleine de Proust" syndrome. You smell it and you travel back in your memory. The danger is that the same smell can have very different effects on diffeerent people, depending on their personal story. In Garches hospital, Patti Canac helps patients to recover their memory with scents of sea, biscuit, chldhood. Marie Therese Esnault works with prisoners, propose them to smell freedom trough scents of cut grass, strawberry, wood fire... Bring them a bit of joy in their daily routine.
Some perfumers work on smell that will remind you on happy moments. L'artisan Parfumeur invents the smell of the circus with "Dzing", the smell of the plum tart in the oven with " Pour des prunes"... Jean Claude Ellena shares moments of emotion. Pierre Bourdon creates poetry trough olfactive emotions...
When I designed my new year card 2010, I attributed the Feuillage de Dalat with its citrus notes to the feeling of Joy.
Comment on the Today post and you can win a Dame Clemence's Can Tho massage oil.
According to the Blogathon regulation, there will be one winner a day, for each of the three posts I will make on SAD. Winners will be announced after the "tet" holiday, on January 29th. For extra boudary shipping reasons, only wnners with an adress in Vetnam will receive their prize.
sources :
1- Le parfum des origines a nos jours, Annick le Guerer, 2005, Odile Jacob
2- Perfumes, the guide, Lucas Turin, Tania Sanchez, 2008, Edition Viking
3- Le guide du Parfum, D. Veuillet,-Gallot, 1995, Edition Hors Collection
4- www.fragrantica.com
Welcome to visit the blogs of the other members of the Natural Perfumers guild. If you are in their country, maybe the ocasion to win and discover their Joyful products!